Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer |
About Me
30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007 Tuesday, April 24, 2007 ![]() You've gotta love the new T-shirt designs at Freelance Switch, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs. StartupNation has some great forums as well. It's really cool to connect with other people who are creatively self-employed. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one spreading the message of support for imaginative folks like us:) Plus, I get support. Because I still need it! In personal news, I am closing on a house and moving in NINE days. Hence the rush to finish writing projects and rush across our apartment to fill more boxes. Dang, I am a multitasking queen. But when it's all said, done and signed, I will have a fabulous office that won't double as a guest room in a house that is all my own. Oh and a new newsletter is coming. Soon...I swear. Thursday, April 19, 2007
Kewl blog alert: Freelance Switch
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 ![]() April 21st is National Creativity Day Gail McMeekin, who was featured in CSE, is celebrating in her own creative way. For the first 10 people who place an order of $50.00 or more for our books, CD's or tapes, we will send you under separate cover a complimentary copy of the wonderful SelfGrowth.com anthology 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, complete with Gail's article on Creativity Catalysts and the wisdom of 100 other professionals including Brian Tracy, and Zig Zigler, at no charge. Products included in this offer are: *The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women book *The Power of Positive Choices book *The Power of Positive Choices Package (book and tape) *Boost Your Creativity, Productivity, and Profits in 21 Steps (e-book) *Audio CD: The Goal Attainment Workshop *Audio CD: Overcoming Creative Obstacles Change your life for the better-- stop waiting and read the advice from the experts on how to create success in your life and prosper. This anthology is a treasure. Please Note: This $50.00 offer does not apply to the purchase of Build Your Money Muscles, The Science of Getting Rich, or purchasing a copy of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life. Monday, April 16, 2007 ![]() Credit: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=5737127 Not much going on creatively here. I am going through motions, so to say. I find it hard to be creative when the weather is consistently horrible. When I have assignments that need attention. When I have upcoming commitments that make me feel "blocked." I did write a whole 3 paragraphs in my upcoming book manuscript on Friday night. Hey, at least it is something. It is getting hard to get motivated about that project while I'm still launching CSE. My husband and I have found a house and our bid was accepted Friday. So that's all that is going on there. I blogged about that here. Betcha didn't know I had a whole other blog--well, I do.:) Wednesday, April 11, 2007 W e i g h t. With so many creative projects floating around, it's hard for me to make time for the fun, more personal work. Case in point: writing my second book. I haven't had as much time at all to work on it, and the final draft is due in a few months. Ack! I spend so much time focused on work and things that instantly pay. It's really hard to write a book on the side (especially not about a topic as dear to my heart as creative self-employment!) How do I carve out time? How do I release the weight of thinking about what is unfinished as I move through work that pays the bills? I'm just throwing out questions here. I just thought it was a good topic because I know many creatives struggle to make time for their creative endeavors. And while copywriting is creative, I want to play more on the "author" side of my career. *sigh* Monday, April 09, 2007 ![]() In honor of my beloved grandmother, Bess. 4.9.02 Props to CSE contributor, Melanie Negrin! She got CSE on Yahoo! Saturday, April 07, 2007
![]() I have a friend who says to surround myself with positive things. This is so important--it's so easy for negativity to get in. I got these notes from Holly and Christine. They're at my desk and I see them all day. And they really keep me going. I have this special relationship with so many people in the book. It's more than that they submitted a questionnaire. In some cases, it's even friendship. And it's powerful. Just like these notes...these precious mementos...are to me. It's the little things, I swear. ![]() A view from my desk--this notebook is now filled with rambles and notes and bullet points--oh my! Just one way I strive for balance. I've been tagged! By Harmony! So now, I'm tagging you! Post the answers in your own blog or leave a comment here. It's interesting to see how we all deal with the concept of b a l a n c e. How do you achieve balance in your life? I don't, always. But I strive to! What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life? My workflow isn't steady, so I have a tendency to go up and down with it. I get frazzled when I have too much and anxious when I have too little. My problem is the emotional things in my life. Currently, my husband and I are trying to buy a house. We keep going through the process and get outbid or whatnot. It's very trying. Work has been good in helping my get my mind off it, but there are some days when I don't want to work but have to. Anything underlying will make the external things in your life harder. What are your priorities? My husband. My cat. My family. Aside from work, that's it. Oh yeah, and me. Trying to fit that girl in, too:) How have your priorities changed over time and why? Yes. When I got married they did, and now that this is my full-time job (copywriting) I have to make sure I stay afloat financially. Because I don't have children, I have a huge load off, and I love it. What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives? Ha! Damned if I know! Making time out for myself to realign and center myself is what I do when I feel "off." I recommend doing something little you enjoy. I get tea or write in a paper journal. Or take a nap with my XM radio blaring into the next room on Channel 75--soothing Starbucks music. These are little things that really help me. Find your own "good things," and make sure to inject them into your day. Otherwise, negativity can reign--and you don't want that! I also want to say that I like the fact that I am not an expert on all of this. I wrote the book as a platform--not as a how-to. See? I'm not perfect--so there's room to grow together!:P Wednesday, April 04, 2007 ![]() From the juicy Stitching Barn shop on Etsy So many people have asked how to get my newsletter? My little newsletter? Wow! Glad it's on your list! FYI: Sign up for my newsletter at the www.creativelyselfemployed.com homepage. Go all the way to the bottom and pop in your email addy!! I'm trying to get you archives...working on it! Constant Contact can be a little tricky like that. Today's find: Forums at BUST.com. Yeah, I know it's girls only. I'll dig up some more resources for the guys, too:) Sunday, April 01, 2007
I put out a newsletter just now. I am really hoping you like the original content included. My hope is that you pass the word on and help me amp up the CSE movement. I want my book concept to be more than just a book--I want visitors to the message board and people writing in with resources--I want to create a community. Turns out, it's not easy. Mostly because I depend on a lot of viral marketing.
In other news, there are some useful marketing articles here. Oh and I am oh so proud of Cat Morley and Neil Tortorella, who were featured in my book. They launched this new site called BoDo with great tips for newbies to the design industry. Congrats! |