
Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer

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Location: Point Pleasant, New Jersey, United States

30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.

Creatively Self-Employed Website

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You've probably heard of the term "life lists." I had (I believe on Oprah), but I hadn't really considered one until I took Dream It. List It. Do It! out from the library.

The book is filled with goals that the authors collected from various life lists. It's a fun kind of read where you don't have to read cover to cover...you can just flip through.

It got me thinking about making a life list, and also maybe making a creative life list. You know, to solely focus on everything in my creative life. I am not sure if I'll make two lists or one.

But I'm bringing this up because I wanted to know if you've used the "life list" sort of technique to help you attain your personal goals. I really haven't, which is odd because I'm a list fanatic. But as far as jotting my goals down on paper, I don't think I've done so since I was a teenager or something. It's something to think about, because I think writing down your goals in life--or in your creative life--at least, can help you move forward to attaining them.

Do you have a creative life list? Do you want to share it here? What is one thing that would be on your list if you don't have one already?

What's holding you back from making a life list or a creative life list?

link | posted by Kristen at 5:03 AM | 0 comments

Friday, June 26, 2009

Many of us rely on the home office deduction when it comes to taxes. But actually, many don't. A new bill would create a simple home-office deduction standard. Check out more information here.

Do you deduct your home office?

link | posted by Kristen at 5:07 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Many creatives are very hesitant about marketing themselves. But if you want to market your business and stand out from the rest, marketing is imperative. So's public relations.

But how can you relate to the public when you don't have the budget to hire a fancy PR agency? It's simple now--there are no excuses not to promote yourself.

HelpAReporter.com offers free leads mailed directly to your inbox. You simply read the leads and see if they apply to you. There are many calls for people who are self-employed in creative careers. Then you respond to the contact listed. He or she may select you to be featured in a radio interview, a news article or even on TV.

I have had a lot of success using this service and highly recommend it! Not only can I get new avenues to promote my business and my books--I have also passed along leads to clients, and they appreciate the thought and my drive to promote their businesses. HARO is a win-win for everyone. And best of all it's free.

Give it a shot--and get ready to get noticed!

link | posted by Kristen at 11:29 AM | 2 comments

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I couldn't be happier for Christine Mason Miller. She's working with Demdaco for a beautiful line of wall art: The Christine Mason Miller Collection. With images and sentiments taken from and inspired by Ordinary Sparkling Moments, the designers at Demdaco have brought together a line of full color, uplifting ready to hang prints with 24 images to choose from. Contact Demdaco customer service at 888-336-3226 to locate a retailer near you with these awe-inspiring pieces.

link | posted by Kristen at 12:25 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you ever feel like you're not doing enough?

I know that we all achieve things in our own time, but sometimes I feel like I'm letting the world pass me by. I get so exhausted just keeping business going and find it hard to have energy to pursue other things. Maybe I'm burned out.

I hear about other people doing exciting things like taking classes and vacations, and I do neither. I work. I watch TV. I spend time with my husband and my cat. I work in my garden sometimes. I go to the gym.

Sometimes when I hear what other people are up to, it just makes me feel like I'm missing out or not doing enough. That "Book #3" I want to work on? I finally got a day off and I don't feel like writing. But if I spent more time on that I couldn't pay bills because I have to work.

Point is, even when you have your dream job, it's not all a cup of tea. Sometimes I just have to remember to sit back and remember that I'm exactly where I need to be. I may not have time to do all these exciting, creative and whimsical things, but that's okay.

Say it with me..."I am enough."

I am enough.

link | posted by Kristen at 12:26 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

link | posted by Kristen at 3:53 PM | 26 comments