Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer |
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30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007 5 Ways to Brand Your Meetings By Catherine Kaputa, founder of SelfBrand (www.selfbrand.com), a brand strategy company that works with people, products and companies. "All the world's a stage," goes the Bard's familiar refrain. And in the business world, meetings and events are the primary stage on which you perform. How you put together a big meeting or event can make or break the corporate brand, just as how you perform giving a talk or presentation will brand you as either a star or an understudy. So how do you create a strong meeting or event that enhances both your organization's and your reputation? And that everyone enjoys attending to boot? Here are some ideas from my book, U R a Brand: Name the event. Does your big meeting or event have a great name? It's important because a good name is a valuable asset. A name can create interest and excitement as well as position the event. (Examples: World Economic Forum, the State of the Union Address, The Academy Awards) Create a theme. Compelling slogans are like memory magnets. That's why advertisers are so fond of them, and why you'll want to create a punchy expression or theme for the meeting or event that sticks in the mind and connects emotionally with the audience. The slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing is "One world. One dream" to convey the idea of uniting the world around the Rings. Some other successful Olympic slogans were "Light the Fire Within" for the 2002 Salt Lake City games and "Welcome Home" for the 2004 Olympics in Athens. Create a logo for the event. Most companies and causes have a logo, and many big meetings and events do, too. The Olympic's interlocking rings are as familiar as the event and help it to raise funds by letting sponsors use the Rings in their advertising. Use the visual mark , the graphic of the logo, to convey an important idea about the event. Develop a trademark element. Think about developing a format for your meeting or event that has a signature element that will be talked about and become a trademark of the meeting. At the State of the Union Address, for example, the President acknowledges everyday American heroes near the end of the speech. That ritual has become a branded part of the State of the Union address, and is highly anticipated. Create a sense of exclusivity. Just as there is a hierarchy of brands, there is a hierarchy of events. The most successful events and meetings have some element of exclusivity. At the pinnacle of meetings in the business world is the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and CEOs and heads of state vie to be on the invitation list. Securing some high level executives or leaders to speak or introduce another speaker can help create an air of exclusivity and attract interest in your event, too. Even at the Academy Awards, it's not just the glamour of who receives the award that we look for, but the star power of the celeb duo who present the award.
Super Secret Blogging.
![]() Because you can officially buy my book at iUniverse.com. I wouldn't, though. (Gasp! Did I just tell you not to buy my book?) Yes, I did! Here's why: I still have to make sure the prints are as I want them to be. So until I give an OK on my author copies, and until I get my author copies, I won't be promoting the book. (You can peek if you go to that link, though!) I know...people have waited long enough. Good things come to those who wait, though... (That's what I keep telling myself!) Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Random Goodness:)
![]() Courtesy How to Write a Business Plan: Check out this useful article on Creative Latitude! Creating E-Newsletters: Ilese Benun's interesting article on using programs like Constant Contact! Writers: Join Kristen King's Query Challenge! It's a fun way to make sure you're putting your talents out into the world! Fun Site: http://www.annabellastationery.com Monday, January 22, 2007 ![]() Courtesy of Kelly Tom Petty is like, really wise. At least he was when he sang, "The waiting is the hardest part." Right now, I am waiting for my book to come out of production. I am waiting for books to be mailed to me to ensure they look OK for you to buy one. I hate waiting. I'm the most impatient person I know. (And I thought waiting for a publisher to pick up this book would be hard!) I think we're all waiting for something. Things that don't always pan out. Career wise, I'm waiting on clients to finalize their end of prospective work so I can begin the writing process. Luckily, I've kept work rolling in so I have other projects to work on while these prospects pan out. What are you waiting for? Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Wanna be in my NEXT book?
What College Didn't Prepare Me For Time to share with college students all the things that you wish you knew before you put on your cap and gown! I'm writing a book on the topic and am eager to hear what YOU have to say! The book will be published by Super College LLC in Fall 2008. Please choose at least two sections that you identify most with and answer as many questions as you can in at least 3 sentences. You will be contacted before anything is published and asked to sign a release form. By filling out the questionnaire, it does not guarantee inclusion in the book. Please return these responses to jerseygal526@yahoo.com by Jan. 31, 2007. Feel free to repost this in your blog or email it to a friend! Questionnaire and required release form are at http://www.kristenfischer.com/college.htm. Tuesday, January 09, 2007 ![]() An online friend of mine took a trip up the Cali coast and shot this picture. I dream of getting back out to California like her. So I'm wondering... How do you make your travels creative, even when you can't go to your ideal location? Thursday, January 04, 2007
2007 is finally here!
But my book isn't. *growl* Don't fret, dear friends. I have some faith in iUniverse to deliver. So it should be available I'm hoping within about two weeks. Till then, I'm trying to breathe. I swear! Till then, you should visit http://www.creativelyselfemployed.com and sign up for the fabulous newsletter. Original content is coming! * * * ![]() I'll leave you with a fabulous link. http://3191.visualblogging.com/ It's about two friends 3,191 miles apart who share a blog. Love it. And another fun link. http://www.christinemasonmiller.com/girlyshow.html The LA-based Girly Show of cool artists. Some are in the book. So I'm givin' them some looove. |