
Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer

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Location: Point Pleasant, New Jersey, United States

30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.

Creatively Self-Employed Website

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fab photo from http://www.gipsylife.com

Trying to get published in a magazine (or to get a book published, for that matter) is like banging one's head on a wall. Even if you're a fantastic writer, it takes work to hit pitches and timing just right. It's kinda like mindreading but no one ever gives you any sort of clue.

So that's where I am creatively. I am making more time to do the things that I enjoy and making time to focus on the creative work in my heart (magazine writing) but still hitting walls. I have had a couple of breakthroughs, some great contacts and now I wait to see if some pitches can make it to Round 2. At least I've made it to Round 2. A few years back, I couldn't get an editor to even respond.

Still, this work is hard. Hard because I must have my scheduled clear to brainstorm and write out the queries. The queries don't take long to write at all, and a big mag editor says mine are great. It's the time to come up with ideas, finding time to sit down uninterrupted and taking time to blast out these letters.

It's frustrating.

I'm making it happen, but it's frustrating.

What aspect of your creative dream is challenging you the most right now?

link | posted by Kristen at 1:08 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, October 10, 2009

From Elsie's Blog, A Beautiful Mess

I waited too long to peruse Elsie's blog and found myself reveling in all of her creations. I had been thinking about how much I wish I had more money and decorations for my house to continue making it my own--but she does wonderful things inexpensively. Totally inspiring. My first thought is, "Why can't I do that?" but the truth is, I can. We all can. We just have to make time. And if you're not too imaginative, it's okay to draw inspiration from others. That's part of the creative life.

Here's another thing that's getting me lately: I am wondering if blogging more regulary and just about simple things would help me feel like I'm capturing life more. I already feel alive but sometimes I see blogs and they inspire me and I wish I had that record of those simple little things that happen. You know what I mean?

Having a personal blog hasn't always worked out so great for me in the past. I have friends on LiveJournal and use that but otherwise, I wish I could put out something public and just let it be. And capture my life more. I don't capture enough. Do you bloggers find it's hard to catch up and keep blogging especially when it's just for you? Does the challenge of it keep it fun? I'd love to hear from you--leave a comment.

From Madelyn's blog, Persisting Stars

More from Madelyn, she's that inspiring! (Photo by David Pohl)

Boho Girl...always
Creating Wings...something new
Persisting Stars...gorgeous
Gypsy Life...honest

link | posted by Kristen at 10:22 AM | 3 comments

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The job market is changing – and so are salaries for creative and communications professionals. The Creative Group 2009 Salary Guide provides starting salaries for about 100 creative, advertising, marketing, web and public relations positions, and a formula for localizing salary levels for major markets.

Additional features include:

  • An overview of the job market and major hiring trends
  • Positions and skills in demand
  • Popular recruitment and retention strategies
  • Tips for attracting Gen Y Professionals
  • Staffing strategically in the current economy

Contact The Creative Group office nearest you or call 1.888.846.1668 to request your free copy of the guide.

Job Descriptions for Positions Listed in the Salary Guide:

link | posted by Kristen at 10:41 AM | 0 comments