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30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Copyright in the digital age. Georgia Tech study reveals copyright complexities, social norms in online media creationIn the age of mashups, fan fiction and content sharing, online media creation has spurred new complexities in copyright, effectively turning the legal concept of "fair use" on its ear, according to a new study from Georgia Tech.Research into fan fiction and other types of remix communities reveals many legal misconceptions persistent among different groups when applying copyrighted work to their own creations. The research also highlights online social norms – independent of actual law – that guide the use of copyrighted works in fan communities. For the study, Georgia Tech researchers interviewed content creators who participate in remix and fan creation activities – think "Gangnam-style" parody videos or Twilight fan fiction – and found that legal ambiguity, rather than technical limitations can be a higher barrier to creating media online. The study focused on participants' understanding of the U.S. copyright law's "fair use" provision, which allows for the use of copyrighted material without permission from the owners in certain instances. "We wanted to take a group of people who make subtle judgments about what they think they can or can't do in a legally gray area and see how that affects their daily decisions in what they are creating online," says Casey Fiesler, Ph.D. candidate in human-centered computing at Georgia Tech and the primary investigator in the research. The study revealed several common legal myths about fair use that were strikingly similar among participants who represented different media types (fiction, art, video, graphics and music). These included:
Researchers also discovered patterns of ethical judgments by participants that are related to fair use. These included:
Where the law is vague in what constitutes commercialization, the Georgia Tech researchers found that fan communities often extend the definition to any type of "profiting." One participant, for example, said that banner ads on a website with remixed work is profiting from the art and should be disallowed. Fan debates on what qualifies as profiting also help to keep the artists in line with legal doctrine. "What the community typically believes and does can actually affect what is judged legal," says Amy Bruckman, professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech and researcher on the study. "So it's in their interests to have cohesion to craft codes of best practice." Researchers also found that content creators receive uneven guidance on fair use from market leaders who publish their content. YouTube's Copyright School (a four-minute video for copyright offenders) features a cute woodland creature that attempts to push the fair use legal information off the screen when it appears. Fiesler says YouTube's approach might imply that fair use is too hard and that anyone considering it should get a lawyer or beware, a message that could have a chilling effect on how technology is used. Labels: art, copyright, creative work, creativity, design, internet, writing Monday, November 25, 2013 How to Use Your College Major for Career Success (Finding Career Bliss, Part 2)
Inevitably, some people will choose a college major that has nothing to do with the career they want. In my experience, finding career bliss has a lot to do with using your innate talents and skills. And that’s why it’s vital to choose a major because it’s viable—not just because it is interesting.
Everyone is different, and you have to go easy on yourself if your interests and goals change after you graduate. I spent a few years mentally beating myself up for getting that environmental degree, until I realized I could use it as part of my platform. Then I did, and then it was all worth it. No experience is ever worthless; you just have to figure out how to use it to your advantage when you finally figure out what field you do want to get into. Read the rest: How to Use Your College Major for Career Success (Finding Career Bliss, Part 2) How to Select a College Major You'll Actually Use (Finding Career Bliss, Part 1)
When someone says she’s going to college, the first thing most people ask is usually, “What’s your major?”
students have to have a major declared at some point during their
college career, they shouldn’t rush into picking a field without first
considering their natural abilities and skills.Here’s why: Young people get so consumed with picking a major. As they progress in their studies, they may find out they no longer want a career in their field. Or, like me, they may not come to that realization until after they graduate and need to pay off all the loans that made that degree possible. Read the rest: http://www.parade.com/232141/kristenfischer/how-to-select-a-college-major-youll-actually-use-finding-career-bliss-part-1/ This is the first of a two-part series of articles I wrote for Parade magazine. Read all of my career articles for Parade here. Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Navigate Copyright Laws with Kiffane Stahle! Photographers: How to Navigate the Online Copyright Registration System
know that you should be registering your copyrights with the U.S.
Copyright Office. Maybe you've tried and the legal jargon tripped you
up. Or maybe you've done it but weren't 100% sure that you prepared the
application correctly. Or maybe the 1990s website made you bonkers.
no more, this workshop specifically designed for photographers will
guide you step-by-step through the process and will help you in
preparing an application for submittal. We'll also talk about a couple
of tricks within the system available only to photographers.
workshop will also cover common pitfalls, breakdown the legal jargon,
and talk about simplifying your workflow to make registration a regular
the workshop we will walk through the application together. As we do
so, you can enter your personal information as we go along and at the
end of the workshop you'll only need to pay your application fee and
upload your work to have a batch of your photographs protected!
The workshop will be conducted online-only via Google Hangout so you must have access to this platform to participate.
you register for the workshop, I will send you the PDF and a link to
the Google Event where the Hangout will occur. On the day of the event,
you will login via Google Hangout and click the "Join Hangout" button to
Space is limited to nine participants, to allow participants to have their individual questions and concerns answered.
If you have any questions, please contact me at kiffanie@stahlelaw.com.
Saturday, May 25, 2013 Keep listening to Freelance Radio Don't forget to tune into all new episodes of Freelance Radio. As always, want to hear from you! Send questions and comments to mailbag@freelanceradio.com! Thursday, May 23, 2013 "When Talent Isn't Enough" giveaway! Tuesday, April 09, 2013 Success... Friday, January 25, 2013 3...2...1...book launch!
Big news!
My third book, When Talent Isn't Enough: Business Basics for the Creatively Inclined is out in stores now. You can also take a peek inside it at Amazon! Other goodies: