
Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer

Monday, April 12, 2010

I love when people share things that work for them, which is why I enjoyed this post by John Soares.

The Ten Best Ways For Finding Great Writing Ideas

  1. I’ve generated the majority of my good ideas when I was walking alone on a trail in nature. I’m away from my normal routine and the myriad stimuli that bombard my brain, and the ideas just start popping up: sometimes an idea for something new to write; sometimes an idea for what to include in something I’m currently writing; sometimes an idea for how to market a product or service.
  2. Long-distance drives are the second-most productive way for me to discover good writing ideas. I typically listen to educational audios in the car, and often something the speaker says will trigger ideas for me.
  3. Number 3 for me is visiting places that are far different from where I live. My home is in a rural area near Mount Shasta in far northern California. So when I go to Ashland in southern Oregon or down to San Francisco, I’m surrounded by sights, sounds, and smells that spark my brain in new ways.
  4. Read books that interest you, especially ones related to your writing specialties and also on marketing and succeeding as a freelancer.
  5. Talk with people. Often a conversation with someone will spark an idea.
  6. Examine what other writers in your niche are doing; look at their websites or visit a bookstore to look at magazines and books.
Read the rest here.

Where do you generate story ideas?

My answer (don't laugh): In the shower or bath. I'm very productive there. True story!

link | posted by Kristen at 12:50 PM |

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