
Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

January is over and thankfully, so is Dickie's challenge. I didn't write as often as I should have, but I definitely made progress.

Here's how I know: I took time out to work on more queries today. This shows me that by focusing on this and keeping it visible, I am more likely to work on this.

What hampered me? Aside from emails saying people were "disappointed" in me (who needs that kind of negativity? Delete!), I have been rigorously busy with a long-term project. So to be practical, I could not devote all the time I wanted to writing magazine queries. Simply put, I have to pay bills before spending valuable time on something that doesn't offer an instant payout.

But I'm glad I did it because I definitely wrote more and I feel more apt to delve into query writing instead of my old mentality, which said I needed a full day off to even begin.

Thanks to the FreelanceSwitch.com Freelance Radio panel for giving me tips on this and helping me stay motivated. I may have not written every day, four days a week, but I did write more. And for me, that was huge.

I'm proud of myself!

link | posted by Kristen at 12:15 PM |

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Blogger Mocha Writer commented at 9:16 AM~  

Well, meeting part of the goal is better than none of it, so congrats! = )

Blogger Kristen commented at 1:41 PM~  

I think the thing is, it got me moving...and consistently. That's a huge plus!!!

Anonymous Anonymous commented at 5:21 AM~  

I have listened to freelance radio a lot the last days, and I think your idea with the "freelance dilemma" was great! I was really excited to hear how it went for you, and even if you didn't follow the challenge to the point, it was still inspiring to me.

We all know how hard it is to squeeze in moving forward on our dreams in our already busy schedules. Any progress is progress.


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