Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer |
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30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Today's gem comes from Gail McMeekin, the author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. I think this has some great tips on getting publicity for your creative business!
Success Strategies for Creative Souls #98: Tips for Great Publicity I have been blessed over the last 9 years with lots of publicity. I've been quoted in the Sunday New York Times, Redbook (4 times), Self, Woman's Day, Shape, Woman's World, The Boston Globe (twice), Boston Magazine, The Improper Bostonian, Investor's Business Daily (twice) and the list goes on. I've also done lots of radio and some TV and I have 2 new radio clips posted in my Pressroom on my website now: My Website. The two radio spots are about creativity and what you need to do to be successful with it, so you might want to give a listen. I have read many books and could write a book about getting publicity, but that's not in the cards. But I do want to share with you some key strategies that have worked for me so that you can develop a PR campaign for yourself or your business now: 1) Send out regular press releases about something new that you or your business are doing. Let them know about new groups, e-books, media appearances, new products or services, awards, memberships, etc. Use Bacon's Media Directory as a resource and check with your library to see if you can access it online. Go to http://www.prnwire.com for their best deal to mail out a release for you. 2) Your local media are always looking for good stories. See if your local media will do a story about you and your business and watch your local cable TV station to see what show might be appropriate for you to be a guest on. I was once the co- host of a show called Professionals in Transition and we got great exposure plus we all got TV reels. 3) Social Media--Decide which social media you want to frequent and post helpful information regularly as well as publicize your events, appearances, new blog posts or articles, research in your field, etc. Again, try to form relationships with people that are mutual and collaborative. Don't post constantly with nonsense--be thoughtful. 4) Direct mail still works. Try mailing postcards (I use http://www.modernpostcard.com) about your business and mail them out to your target market as well as pass them out to people you meet. Collect snail mail addresses when people go to your website, when you speak to a group, and mail cards out to friends and colleagues as well so they know what you are up to. 5) As you read magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc. identify key press people in your niche market and begin to email to them regularly or post on their blogs. Invite local press people to your events and always ask how you can be helpful to them as a resource. 6) If you enjoy writing, start a clever blog or newsletter, write a column for a magazine or post articles on your website. This will give your credibility and create ongoing new material to use. Try to get your articles posted on other websites like http://www.ezinearticles.com . 7) If you want to do speaking and are a novice, check out Toastmasters or a speaking class or get a coach. Put together a press kit and a workshop/seminar flyer and send it to adult education centers, workshop centers like Omega in NY, networking groups, local Chambers of Commerce, conference planners, etc. Make a DVD of you speaking as part of your press kit. These are just a few of many ideas about getting publicity. I always advise people to do things that interest them and showcase their best talents. You won't be consistent if you don't enjoy what you are doing. Have fun! Article by Gail McMeekin Executive/career/creativity/life choices coach and expert; Author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, The Power of Positive Choices and Boost Your Creativity, Productivity, and Profits in 21 Steps. Sign up for the Creative Success email newsletter at http://www.creativesuccess.com Phone: 617-323-1442 Fax: 617-323-1963
link | posted by Kristen at 8:43 AM |
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