
Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer

Friday, April 10, 2009

I was happy to see a post on The Renegade Writer Blog about the topic of "extreme self care." If you don't know what that is, it means putting yourself entirely first above everything on a regular basis and making time for yourself frequently.

This can mean doing something as simple as taking a walk to your favorite outdoor spot, taking a bath, getting a massage, or going on a vacation. Whatever appeals to you, it's important to do it and do it regularly.

Why? Because as creatives, we tend to burn out. No one wants to admit it because we adore what we do -- but if you do anything extensively you'll get fried from it. And building a business certainly constitutes a case for burnout.

I just finished rereading Take Time for Your Life by Cheryl Richardson, a life coach who has written extensively on extreme self-care. I am starting to read her newest addition The Art of Extreme Self-Care and encourage you to do the same.

How do you practice extreme self-care? Why do you think it's important? How has doing so helped your creative business?

link | posted by Kristen at 7:04 AM |

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Blogger SmartEngineer commented at 3:05 AM~  

Thats right Kristen.I agree with you that I do get carzy sometimes after a thoroughly engaged hours on table programming.I would take a walk.Sometimes it can be as long as 15 kms.By the time Iam back home.I usually get normal to restart the engines.

Best Wishes.

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