
Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer

Friday, March 13, 2009

Artwork by Tine Wiggens

If you ask me, inspiration is everything. Sure, I run a creative business. But I need the fuel to keep going, because as many of you know, not all projects are quite motivational. As a copywriter, I have to write about not-so-fun stuff sometimes (medical devices, lawn care, construction, the economy...you get the idea).

That's why I'm huge on drawing in the good stuff. And having the ability to redo my office has perked me up when it comes to inspiration.

What's on my magnetic strip right now:) (That's a tickets to see the Pats play the Jets--not a Jets fan!!!)

It all started with the perfect shade of green. Then choosing the right shelving. Collecting artwork for the walls (can't wait to hang up my artwork of Tine's soulbirds!!), and most recently, the magnetic strip. The room isn't done, but it's on the way. My favorite thing is that I've designed it so I can feature my ever-changing inspirations.

Inspiration comes in all forms, doesn't it? But I think we often forget to fill our creativity tanks. And we let the rest of the things in our lives drain them.

That's why perusing this list of creative books coming out in 2009, for example, is a great help. Or visiting an inspirational place you love, such as a gallery or a greenhouse. You can visit the blog of your favorite artist. Or sitting in the sun. Whatever works for you to relax you or motivate you.

What inspires you? How do you keep your creative tank full?

link | posted by Kristen at 1:49 PM |

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Blogger DEATH'S DISCIPLE: THE NOVEL BLOG commented at 12:13 PM~  

Visiting a gallery or the like is great - but sometimes the most simple thing works: just take a walk. Look around you, notice things you normally pass by and return with the creative tanks re-filled.

Blogger JaredOToole commented at 6:07 PM~  

Getting outside in the sun is what keeps me going. Winter is a tough time for this but once spring and summer comes all those creative juices get going again.

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