Blog to support the book "Creatively Self-Employed: How Writers and Artists Deal with Career Ups and Downs" by Kristen Fischer |
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30-something Jersey gal working as a freelance writer. Starbucks addict, beach-lover, kitty mother.
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
How to Get Good PR Despite a Bad Economy
From everything that's happened recently, it's safe to say that the economy is not doing so hot. And what's first to go when times get tough? All the "extras" such as public relations and ads--but you don't have to sacrifice those things just because the economy is stinky. Here are some tips to maintain your company's PR efforts. Consider outsourcing. If your company retains a firm, a good way to save money, yet still maintain your publicity program is to outsource to a PR professional on an as-needed basis. Maybe you only need a writer to come up with press releases instead of fancy designs. Perhaps an in-house designer can create templates and you can just use that writer to create content. Explore outsourcing with a qualified professional and examine the going rates for such a thing. Stay on topic. You'll save money by targeting press materials to those who will be receptive to them. Instead of sending out a press release to all the state newspapers, make sure that those newspapers have a business section, for example, or a need for your services. You'll waste money if you send out materials to outlets that don't cover your industry. Make a deal. It's OK to recognize tough times--and you may be able to leverage them to benefit your business. You can run an ad saying that although gas may cost an arm and a leg, you'll offer a 10 percent discount, for example. Once you have a deal, you have news--and then you have even more of a reason to promote your company via the press. Talk up your company--even in a downturn. The last thing people want to know from you is that times are so tough. They know that and don't need to hear about how hard it is for your business. Instead, focus on the positives--and what you can offer people. Don't assume they don't need your services or products. Keep promoting your company as you would in better times--and make sure to let customers and potential clients in on any special deals you may create.
link | posted by Kristen at 9:52 AM |
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