I started reading
this book recently. I know there's tons of hype about the book, and despite the title making me laugh, I spent the $15 to buy it.
Why on earth did I do that? I'm only about 70 pages in, but this guy is dreaming. I think it's great some of his time management talk (80-20 rule? I subscribe!) but the rest is...totally unpractical. Outsourcing my work to India? Why? I love being a writer. And most of my agreements stipulate that I
have to do the work. So, no. I won't be going overseas to sub out my work while I galivant in Prague or something.
I'm sure I'll be bringing up more banter about this book in the future. Has anyone else read it? What are your thoughts?
Marjorie commented at 10:14 AM~
Funny you should mention the book. I just got that from my local library the other day after discovering it on the New Books Shelf. A colleague pretty much said the same thing, i.e., it targets very specific entrepreneurs. However, I'm always on the lookout for better time management ideas, so I guess I'll do a quick skim!
Yeah, definitely check out dubious books at the library before making the commitment to purchase. If nothing else, you can always peruse it at the Borders coffee shop with a latte in hand before whipping out the credit card!
Kristen commented at 12:42 PM~
Yeah. it's good and I don't regret buying it but I still think this guy is not practical! Let me know what you think!
commented at 12:40 PM~
I also read this book.
It,4 hour work week, is a great idea and suggestion but the HOW is mostly missing. After I read it, I wanted to try some of the ideas but I was not sure where to start.
I would love to spend more time with my baby ,but I guess there are limited option for stay at home dads.
The idea of working LESS and enjoying life MORE is a idea that has and will continue being a best seller.
ANY ideas on become a work at home dad ?
If so,please visit/drop me a line at:
Swirly commented at 10:38 PM~
Someone else mentioned this book to me recently but I can't remember who it was! I am with you...a plan that involves a lot of "outsourcing" sounds like a lot of headaches. I am also curious when people promote the idea that work is "bad" and that to work less automatically = you enjoy life more. I would think the goal would be to have work that you love so you enjoy life all around.
Marjorie commented at 8:27 AM~
I completely agree, Swirly. I've always thought that even if I were to win the lottery, I would still "work," only I would focus my efforts on what I love doing, such as writing, philanthropy and creating art.
When I read profiles of people who are genuinely happy with their lives, they're never the so-rich-I-never-have-to-work-again beach bums. Rather, they're engaged fully in their careers, whether they're architects, writers, designers, artists, musicians, even computer programmers. They're my true heroes.
I still haven't read the book, but I think the guy's been making the talk show rounds. One of these mornings I'll have to crack it open and at least skim it.